piston Archives - FLYING Magazine https://cms.flyingmag.com/tag/piston/ The world's most widely read aviation magazine Tue, 13 Aug 2024 18:38:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 This 1992 SOCATA TB-9 Tampico Is a Stylish-But-Economical ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1992-socata-tb-9-tampico-is-a-stylish-but-economical-aircraftforsale-top-pick/ Tue, 13 Aug 2024 18:38:02 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=213398&preview=1 A European design that arrived in the U.S. during the 1980s, the TB series brings variety to the local ramp.

The post This 1992 SOCATA TB-9 Tampico Is a Stylish-But-Economical ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1992 SOCATA TB-9 Tampico Club.

Sometimes the most basic airplanes also are the most practical and economical for first-time buyers who are—officially or not—acquiring an aircraft to continue their aviation education.

One possible downside is that there is not much variety in that market segment. Whatever you find is likely to come with a Lycoming O-320 on the nose, fixed-pitch propeller, fixed gear, and an overall design that is not too exciting.

One exception is the SOCATA TB-9 Tampico, which, despite sharing specs with basic Cessna 172s and Piper PA-28s, manages to look alluring on the ramp. The stylish, upward-opening gull-wing doors certainly help. So does its more modern shape, which, in my opinion, clearly did not emerge from a domestic drafting table.

The Tampico and its siblings, the more powerful TB-10 Tobago and retractable TB-20 Trinidad, simply look European, which they are. They are not orphan designs, though, as SOCATA’s parent company Daher, known today for TBM turboprops, continues to support these piston singles.

The Tampico is sure to be a superior icebreaker for any pilot flying into an unfamiliar airport. People will ask what kind of airplane you are flying and you will have the opportunity to share the model’s interesting details.      

This 1992 TB-9 Tampico has 3,611 hours on the airframe, 1,531 hours in its 160 hp Lycoming O-320-D2A engine since its major overhaul, and 71 hours since the engine underwent a top overhaul. Additional equipment includes strobe lights, heated pitot tube, and alternate static system

The IFR panel includes a KMA 24 audio panel with markers, Garmin GNS 430 GPS/nav/comm, NSD-360 HSI, KT 76 transponder with encoder, two-place intercom, and wing beacon with ADS-B Out.

Pilots searching for a more stylish four-seat personal aircraft that is versatile enough for training, building time, or traveling should consider this 1992 SOCATA TB-9 Tampico, which is available for $69,500 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use its airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

The post This 1992 SOCATA TB-9 Tampico Is a Stylish-But-Economical ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

This 1948 Piper PA-14 Family Cruiser Is a Super-Rare ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1948-piper-pa-14-family-cruiser-is-a-super-rare-aircraftforsale-top-pick/ Mon, 12 Aug 2024 18:13:26 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=213316&preview=1 Essentially a four-seat Cub, the PA-14 resulted from widening the Super Cruiser’s cabin.

The post This 1948 Piper PA-14 Family Cruiser Is a Super-Rare ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1948 Piper PA-14 Family Cruiser.

How many more pilots would have purchased a Piper Cub or one of its many derivatives if the aircraft could carry more than two people? Certainly the company had this in mind when developing the three-place PA-12 Super Cruiser.

But even Cub fans might not be aware of the PA-14, a four-place model developed by widening the front of the Super Cruser’s cabin to add a fourth seat. This machine could have been just right for many customers with families of four, but difficult financial times at Piper coincided with PA-14 production. Only 200-odd PA-14s rolled out of the Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, factory before the model was discontinued.

Subsequent four-place Piper models, such as the Pacer and Tri-Pacer, eventually addressed the needs of traveling families, though the Family Cruiser, with its traditional control sticks and Cub styling, always seemed like the one that got away. The aircraft for sale presents a rare opportunity.

Like many PA-14s, this one wound up in Alaska, where pilots truly appreciate an airplane with extra utility. Many of the modifications made to the airframe and systems are aimed at maximizing the aircraft’s performance in the region’s often-challenging conditions. The airplane’s design and features could make it an ideal vintage traveler for modern families.

This 1948 Family Cruiser has 11,117 hours on the airframe and 749 hours on its 160 hp Lycoming O-320-A2B engine. Time on the Sensenich two-blade 74DM6-0-52 propeller is unknown.

The aircraft is equipped with Super Cub landing gear, throttle and horizontal stabilizer with modified elevators, Cleveland brakes, 26-inch Goodyear tires,  Scott ABI 3200 tailwheel, seaplane doors, float fittings, and other modifications, and comes with EDO 2000 floats.

The VFR panel includes a Garmin Aera 500 GPS, King KY 92 comm radio and a CHT gauge.

Pilots who love Cubs but need four seats should consider this 1948 Piper PA-14 FamilyCruiser, which is available for $125,000 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use their airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

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This 2006 Maule M-4-180V Is a Backcountry-Ready ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-2006-maule-m-4-180v-is-a-backcountry-ready-aircraft-for-sale-top-pick/ Fri, 09 Aug 2024 17:39:10 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=213247&preview=1 A modern homage to the company’s earlier designs, the newer M-4 is an economical ticket to adventure flying.

The post This 2006 Maule M-4-180V Is a Backcountry-Ready ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 2006 Maule M-4-180V.

Maule Air, the Moultrie, Georgia-based purveyor of modern taildraggers, has been charting its own unique course for decades.

While its aircraft seem old-fashioned because of their rag-and-tube construction, they remain in production and are ideally suited to their customers’ needs, which include carrying loads into the backcountry and operating from short, rough fields. In light of the growing popularity of STOL and off-airport flying, Maule’s lineup feels completely up to date.

The aircraft for sale here offers an attractive combination of capability and economy. While relatively new by general aviation standards, this M-4 feels like a bargain compared with numerous older taildraggers that are popular among short-field enthusiasts. Even though Maules have been around since the 1940s, they are not necessarily well-known among everyday aircraft shoppers. They tend to attract pilots with a strong sense of adventure and tradition.  

This 2006 Maule M-4 has 925 hours on the airframe and on its 180 hp Lycoming O-360-C1F engine since new. Airframe upgrades include observation doors, vortex generators, Cleveland brakes, 8.50-by-6 tires, an Alaskan Bushwheel 3200 tailwheel, and floatplane reinforcement kit. The aircraft has a maximum takeoff weight of 2,300 pounds and a useful load of 882 pounds.

The panel features a Garmin 250XL GPS/Comm, Aera 660 portable GPS with panel mount that displays ADS-B with weather and traffic, PM1000 intercom, Narco AR850 altitude reporter, Garmin GTX 345 transponder, Electronics International SP-8-A engine analyzer, OAT gauge, and fuel totalizer.

Pilots searching for a traditional 1940s-style taildragger with numerous upgrades that make it better-suited to modern times should consider this 2006 Maule M-4-180V, which is available for $125,900 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use its airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

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This 1946 ERCO Ercoupe Is an Especially Easy-to-Fly ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1946-erco-ercoupe-is-an-especially-easy-to-fly-aircraftforsale-top-pick/ Thu, 08 Aug 2024 13:28:32 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=213099&preview=1 Designed during the 1930s, the Ercoupe was ahead of its time in bringing enhanced safety to aviation.

The post This 1946 ERCO Ercoupe Is an Especially Easy-to-Fly ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1946 ERCO 415-C Ercoupe.

Lately we have read about the growing use of simplified flight controls in aviation from the developing eVTOL category to personal aircraft that increasingly assist pilots in efficiently maintaining control. The ERCO Ercoupe is an ancestor of these modern systems, having pioneered the easy-to-fly-aircraft concept as early as the 1930s.

The Ercoupe is well-known among pilots as the airplane without rudder pedals. For coordinated turns, it uses coupled rudders and ailerons through a traditional control wheel. Limited control surface movements and the Ercoupe’s overall design were intended to make it a safe, stall-proof aircraft. Many of its fans say it performs as advertised and is lots of fun to fly.

The airplane’s generous wing, twin vertical fins, and tricycle landing gear (that stood out in an era of taildraggers) all seem to point to stability and ease of use. Other features, including a low wing and large bubble-style canopy, give the pilot and passenger better-than-average visibility.

This 1946 Ercoupe has 1,784 hours on the airframe, 267 hours on its 90 hp Continental C90-12F engine since overhaul, and 245 hours on its McCauley two-blade propeller since new.

The panel includes a Flightline FL-760 Comm radio, Narco glideslope Garmin GPS 396, GTX 320A transponder, Sigtronics Sport 200 panel mount two-place intercom, airspeed and vertical speed indicators, turn coordinator, directional indicator, altimeter, RPM, Oil pressure, EGT, air temperature, carburetor temperature, amp and voltage gauges.

Additional equipment includes a uAvionics TailBeacon ADS-B Out unit, 12-volt auxiliary adapter, landing and taxi lights, and bubble-style windshield.

Pilots looking for an easy-to-fly piece of aviation history that is economical, has timeless charm, and will be welcome at any vintage fly-in, should consider this 1946 ERCO Ercoupe, which is available for $31,500 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use their airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

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This 1940 WACO UPF-7 Is a Restored and Upgraded ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1940-waco-upf-7-is-a-restored-and-upgraded-aircraftforsale-top-pick/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 13:23:17 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=213029&preview=1 Features including fuel injection and updated instrumentation make this antique more practical in modern skies.

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Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1940 WACO UPF-7.

WACO was known for crafting a range of beautiful open cockpit and cabin biplanes from the 1920s into the 1940s. That range was diverse, including what often seemed like too many configurations and variations to remember.

This UPF-7 is one such example because many observers are accustomed to seeing biplanes of this vintage with open cockpits, not sliding canopies. The built-to-order nature of the civilian aircraft industry during aviation’s golden age, however, resulted in a variety of features.

This aircraft also benefited from a 2010 restoration that included modifications and upgrades to its engine, panel, and airframe that improve its readiness for today’s general aviation missions. Flying a machine like this to vintage aircraft gatherings, pancake breakfasts, or informal fly-ins is nearly a guarantee of good times and gratification.

This 1940 WACO UPF-7 has 2,652 hours on the airframe and 112 hours since overhaul on its 300 hp fuel-injected Jacobs R755A2 engine. The aircraft is equipped with a Jasco alternator, Whelen A650 wingtip strobe and navigation lights, Cleveland wheels and brakes, RRR Russ tailwheel, Brackett air filter, Hooker harnesses front and rear, M20 oil separator, and smoke system.

The panel includes an Aspen 1000 PFD and MFD, Garmin GNC 250XL Comm/GPS, GTX 327 transponder, Garmin 496 GPS on panel mount, PM 1000 three-place intercom, ACK A30 encoder, Electronics International 7-cylinder engine monitor, and FS 450 fuel flow and totalizer.

Pilots looking for a World War II biplane trainer that is less common than a Stearman, and those who simply have a soft spot for the UPF’s distinctive silhouette, should consider this 1940 WACO UPF-7, which is available on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use their airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

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This 1976 Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah Is a Compact, Efficient ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1976-grumman-american-aa-5a-cheetah-is-a-compact-efficient-aircraft-for-sale-top-pick/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 17:54:02 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=212991&preview=1 Pioneers in honeycomb construction and bonded surfaces, the Grumman American line of aircraft offered performance on a budget.

The post This 1976 Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah Is a Compact, Efficient ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1976 Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah.

When a Grumman American Cheetah—or a Yankee, Traveler, or Tiger—shows up at the airport, I immediately begin to think about the aircraft’s interesting history.

While its design evolved from the late Jim Bede’s kitbuilt two-seater BD-1, a number of companies produced the Cheetah and its siblings over the years, including the business jet powerhouse Gulfstream.

The compact Grumman Americans are fairly basic aircraft, with fixed gear and fixed-pitch propellers, but they are known for surprisingly high cruising speeds and overall performance. The 108 hp Tiger, which is the most powerful version of the AA-5 airframe, is known to  keep pace with some 200 hp retractables.

For many pilots, the simple, reliable and fuel-efficient design lies in a sweet spot. The Cheetah provides good traveling performance and responsive handling that  give it a sporty, higher-performance feel. Add the signature sliding canopy, and you have the stuff of fighter-pilot fantasies.     

This 1976 Cheetah has 2,650 hours on the airframe, 380 hours on its 150 hp Lycoming O-320 E2G engine since overhaul and 372 hours on the propeller since overhaul. The aircraft is equipped with a Challenger air filter.

The panel includes a Garmin GTR 200 Comm radio, Narco NAV-121 with localizer and glideslope, Apollo II GPS, King KT 76A transponder, uAvionix TailBeacon with ADS-B Out, and an EGT instrument.

Pilots searching for a fun-to-fly, versatile and economical four-place aircraft that can handle training, local flights and cross-country travel should consider this 1976 Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah, which is available for $69,000 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use its airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

The post This 1976 Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah Is a Compact, Efficient ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

This 1977 Piper PA-38 Tomahawk Is a Time-Building, Traveling ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1977-piper-pa-38-tomahawk-is-a-time-building-traveling-aircraftforsale-top-pick/ Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:12:45 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=212883&preview=1 The stylish, T-tail Tomahawk has a following among pilots who like its responsiveness.

The post This 1977 Piper PA-38 Tomahawk Is a Time-Building, Traveling ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1977 Piper PA-38 Tomahawk.

Two-seat trainers can make a strong case for pilots thinking about buying an aircraft in which to pursue certificates, ratings, and endorsements.

Such airplanes tend to be economical to acquire and operate while providing valuable flying time for aspiring professional pilots or for those already moving up the commercial ladder. Among budget aircraft, the Tomahawk offers the bonus of stylish, modern looks.

We have met a number of professional pilots over the years who use Tomahawks for time building and pleasure because they find them more enjoyable to fly than other inexpensive trainer models. The Piper’s low-wing design and bubble-like cockpit provide generous visibility compared with high-wing models.

It is also a bit faster than many competing two-seaters, which makes it more attractive to pilots who plan to use it for traveling. While slower than high-performance retractables, the Tomahawk will get you to your destination far quicker than a car and is easy on fuel.

This 1977 Piper Tomahawk has 7,650 hours on the airframe and 2,161 hours on its 112 hp Lycoming O-235 engine, which has a 2,400-hours TBO. The aircraft carries 30 gallons of usable fuel.

The panel features a Garmin GPS 175 WAAS with KI 209 glideslope indicator, dual KX 155 Nav/Comms with ILS, glideslope and VOR, KT 78A transponder, and avionics fan.

Pilots who prefer a low-wing configuration and are looking for an economical two-seat aircraft for training, time building or personal travel should consider this 1977 Piper PA-38 Tomahawk, which is available for $60,000 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use their airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

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This 1980 Cessna 207 Skywagon Is a Large, Family-Friendly ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1980-cessna-207-skywagon-is-a-large-family-friendly-aircraftforsale-top-pick/ Fri, 02 Aug 2024 18:40:36 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=212785&preview=1 Often used for commercial cargo and passenger hauling, the Cessna 207 can be an ideal personal aircraft.

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Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1980 Cessna 207 Skywagon.

We do not encounter Cessna 207s every day. Its relative, the six-seat 206, is much more popular.

That is in part because six seats are enough for the missions many private pilots fly, especially family trips with more people and baggage than a four-seater like the Cessna 182 could carry. But some families are significantly larger than average.

Many of us can recall a few families in the neighborhood or at school with broods of children for whom the full-size station wagon was not quite big enough. In the days before large SUVs—we are talking about the 1970s—such families drove large vans, like the vehicles used as airport shuttles, for church field trips or transporting high school athletic teams.

Think of the Cessna 207 as the flying version of those vans, with the size, strength, and range to handle big loads and long distances.

The opportunity to acquire one of the relatively rare 207s could generate excitement among pilots who might otherwise have to consider a more expensive, complex turboprop utility aircraft to carry their families and friends. The 207 can do the job with less complication and easy handling that will be familiar and comfortable for pilots who have flown smaller Cessna piston singles. 

This 1980 Cessna 207 has 16,500 hours on the airframe, 100 hours on its 300 hp Continental IO-520 engine, and 944 hours on its Hartzell propeller. The aircraft has a maximum takeoff weight of 3,800 pounds and a useful load of 1,729 pounds. The VFR panel includes dual Icom A210 radios, P7000 audio panel, and Garmin GTX327 transponder.

Pilots with large families who need more space than the typical six-seat piston twin can offer should consider this 1980 Cessna 207 Skywagon, which is available for $235,000 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use their airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

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This 1976 Ted Smith Aerostar Is an Airline-Like ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1976-ted-smith-aerostar-is-an-airline-like-aircraft-for-sale-top-pick/ Thu, 01 Aug 2024 17:05:45 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=212639&preview=1 A big, pressurized six-seat cabin offers occupants comfort and elbow room.

The post This 1976 Ted Smith Aerostar Is an Airline-Like ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1976 Ted Smith Aerostar.

Many pilots consider the Aerostar the ultimate light piston twin. Its projectile-shaped fuselage, swept tail surfaces and wings set farther aft than on the average piston aircraft give this twin a speedy look.

Taking off and accelerating in the climb, you realize that the slick shape is not just for show.

Aerostars have set numerous speed records over the years, and pressurized, turbocharged versions like this 601P tend to be the quickest.

This aircraft received a Machen Superstar 700 conversion package from Machen Inc. in 1999. This is a well-known upgrade that includes intercoolers and other equipment to boost power.

This Aerostar’s speed and large, pressurized cabin give it the feel of a small airliner, which pleases most passengers. For pilots who travel a lot, often accompanied by family, friends, or business colleagues, the Aerostar represents a chance to cut travel time significantly compared with ground and can even beat the airlines easily on certain routes.

This 1976 Aerostar has 7,221 hours on the airframe, 1,173 hours since overhaul on the left engine, and 1,291 hours since overhaul on the right. The engines are 350 hp turbocharged and intercooled Lycoming IO-540s. The left and right propellers each have 1,459 hours since overhaul.

The aircraft’s engines are part of the Machen Superstar conversion to increase performance. This Aerostar also is equipped with vortex generators and air conditioning.

The aircraft’s panel features dual Garmin GNS 430 GPS/Nav/Comms, dual Garmin G5 electronic instruments, Garmin GMA 340 audio panel, GTX 345 transponder with ADS-B, and Century IV autopilot. 

Pilots searching for a high-flying pressurized light twin with six seats and famously high cruising speeds should consider this 1976 Ted Smith Aerostar 601P, which is available for $199,500 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use its airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

The post This 1976 Ted Smith Aerostar Is an Airline-Like ‘Aircraft For Sale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

This 1973 Cessna P337G Skymaster Is a Push-Pull Pressurized ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick https://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft-for-sale-top-picks/this-1973-cessna-p337g-skymaster-is-a-push-pull-pressurized-aircraftforsale-top-pick/ Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:28:56 +0000 https://www.flyingmag.com/?p=212287&preview=1 Centerline twin-engine design eliminates asymmetric thrust if an engine fails.

The post This 1973 Cessna P337G Skymaster Is a Push-Pull Pressurized ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick appeared first on FLYING Magazine.

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at FLYINGMag.com daily.

Today’s Top Pick is a 1973 Cessna P337G Skymaster.

Pilots who wish to step up to multiengine aircraft from high-performance piston singles have options that offer a range of improvements in safety and performance.

While many private pilots looking for a boost in power will find turboprop singles more attractive than piston twins, having the redundancy of a second engine under certain conditions still means a lot to cross-country travelers.

Cessna designed the Skymaster series of twins with centerline-mounted engines that avoid the challenges of asymmetric thrust that come into play when an engine fails on a traditional light twin. As with any unusual configuration, some people love the Skymaster’s styling, while others are less enthusiastic. I imagine fans of the 1988 film Bat*21 would be absolutely stoked to fly a Skymaster.

The pressurized, turbocharged version for sale here makes the most of the aircraft’s performance potential by enabling it to take advantage of greater cruising speeds and favorable winds available at higher altitudes. Pilots who travel regularly with passengers, especially family members, are well aware of the advantages of a pressurized cabin.

This 1973 Cessna Skymaster has 2,500 hours on the airframe, 800 hours on the front engine since overhaul, and 12 hours on the rear engine since overhaul. The aircraft is equipped with Continental TSIO-360 engines. The front propeller has 800 hours, and the rear propeller has 12 hours. 

The panel features dual King KX 155 Nav/Comms, King audio panel, intercom, transponder and HSI, S-Tec 60 autopilot, Garmin GPS, and JPI 760 engine monitor.

Pilots who are interested in the advantages of twin-engine aircraft for long-distance travel, including the ability to continue flying if one engine fails, should consider this 1973 Cessna P337G Skymaster, which is available for $120,000 on AircraftForSale.

If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use their airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit flyingfinance.com.

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